Youth Programs

Fathering is a 9-week community agency initiative which has developed a group program for young fathers. The program has been designed to engage, encourage and enable the fathering potential of young men. 

Over nine 2.5 hour weekly sessions we will as a group discuss the following:

  1. In addition to providing love and warmth for my baby what is it, as a father, that only I can do?

  2. How will my life change, how will my relationship with my partner change and  how will I need to adapt to become an available father and partner?

  3. Responsibilities
    Group discussion and video (“The Early Years”) forming an enquiry and specific information around substance abuse, family safety, availability as a parent, priorities, negotiation, setting limits and money management. 

  4. Relationships
    (a) appreciation of talking and listening skills

  5. (b) developing conflicts resolution skills

  6. (c) the significance of demonstrating appropriate behaviour

  7. Who am I and how do I choose to parent?

  8. Personal life maps and a sharing of how we ourselves
    have been fathered.
    Understanding the influence of beliefs, cultural norms
    and previous experiences.

  9. Information-based resources that are available to me as a young father, mentoring, ongoing parenting skills.

  10. What does my partner need from me, what does my family need from me, and what do I need for myself?  “Big picture / little picture”
    Understanding individual and family developmental stages.

For further information and cost,

please email


A group program for young fathers